Innovative Products to Make Fishing Easier.

Whether you're an old salt or a newbie we've got something for you.
All our products will flat help you catch more fish. They are innovative and will do more than we claim. If they don't we will refund your money.

Fish are slimy and will hurt you.
Let's face it, we have all been stuck by a fin or a hook. We have all stunk it up at the end of the day. My wife used to make me get undressed under the carport before I could go inside. I used to really stink when I got home from a fishing trip. Not anymore. When you use a Catcher's Mitt, all the fish slime stays on the mitt or the pants protector, not on your clothes. It is packed with features also.
Mitt is puncture and cut resistant
Mitt has a sure grip texture
Mitt is attached with a retractor which prevents loss and snugs mitt on hand
One handed use to control fish
Crossdraw pliers are heavy duty and will cut braided line and are tethered to prevent loss
Crossdraw sheath will clip to belt or waistband
Secret feature is a beverage holder.....
Packaged in dry bag
Use one and your hands and spouse will thank you.

How We Got Here
We like fishing, hunting and being outdoors. We love baseball, apple pie, and have been known to tailgate around Tiger Stadium and Alex Box. We say yes ma'am and yes sir and hold doors open for ladies and most everyone else. We stop to help people that are broke down on the side of the road and feel bad when we can't. When we're not fishing, we are thinking about fishing and planning our next fishing trip. We created our products to make our fishing trips easier. Our products do what we say they do and if you are not happy we will do whatever it takes to make you happy. If you are like us, "like" us and follow us. If you have any questions give us a call. We love to talk about fishing with our products.